ACU Western
Bringing you Motorcycle Sport in Gloucestershire, Herefordshire and parts of Worcestershire
January | top |
6 | CHG, Robin's Quarry Easy Trial, CTC, Report & Results |
14 | AGM Board Meeting |
February | top |
3 | Zona One, Les Davis Trophy Trial, CTC. Results, Photos |
10 | G&C, Hurran Trial, OTC, Centre Championship - Cancelled, ground is too water logged to use. |
11 | Board Meeting |
17 | SVMC,Bill Peters Trial, OTC - Cancelled. |
24 | Wye Valley, Classic Trial, Open - Cancelled, due to three other trials in neighbouring centres on the same day. |
March | top |
5 | Malvern An evening with Chris Vincent, famous sidecar racer. 8pm at the Malvern Club. Admission �5. Tickets can be booked in advance, call Tom Vivian 01684 311582. |
9 | Ledbury, Gordon Lea Classic Trial Results |
10 | Board Meeting |
16 | G&C, Smith Trial, Open, Centre Championship, CANCELLED on safety grounds. |
29 | West Glos Wyegate LDT, Trial, CTC, 2 day event. |
30 | West Glos Wyegate LDT, Trial, CTC, 2 day event. Results, reports, pictures and more. |
April | top |
2 | Malvern Talk by John Hill on the Severn Valley Railway. 8pm at the Malvern Club. Admission �3. Tickets can be booked in advance, call Tom Vivian 01684 311582. |
6 | Golden Valley - Cotswold Cups Trial |
13 | Zona One, Dennis Saunders Trophy Trial, CTC Results, Photos |
14 | Board Meeting |
20 | CHG, 15th Sphinx Long Distance Trial, OTC Results. Report |
27 | Wye Valley, Eric Rees Trial, Open Results Ledbury, Spring Classic GT Results Mercian, Club, H&H, Cancelled - more details at |
May | top |
12 | Board Meeting |
17 | G&C, Training Day Trial |
18 | West Glos, Trial, CANCELLED |
24 | West Glos, Trail bike Trial, CTC, Results and reports |
25 | Mercian, Club, H&H, Results |
June | top |
1 | Zona One, Trial, OTC. POSTPONED. |
8 | SVMC, Ron Carter Trophy Trial Results. |
9 | Board Meeting |
15 | G&C, John Husband MTT , Trial Results. More about this event |
22 | Mercian, Club, Great Llwygy H&H, Results can be found at |
29 | Wye Valley, Open Trial. Results |
July | top |
5 | G&C, Whitaker Trial, Open, Results. |
13 | Wye Valley, Stan Hinsley Trial, Open Centre Championship. POSTPONED Mercian, Club, H&H, More details at |
14 | Board Meeting |
27 | Malvern, Trial, Open, Centre Championship Results |
August | top |
2 | West Glos, Hillclimb/Trial, CTC Results, Pictures and Reports |
3 | CHG, Trial, OTC. Results and Report. |
10 | Wye Valley, Stan Hinsley Trial, Open Centre Championship. Results & Report. |
11 | Board Meeting |
24 | Malvern, Pre-75, National GT, Results West Glos, Enduro, CTC Postponed - details here POSTPONED - Zona One, Trial, OTC |
25 | Ledbury, Bank Holiday Monday, Peterchurch Show. Results and report.
31 | Mercian, Club, H&H, More details at G&C, Drake & Gibb , Trial, Open. Results. |
September | top |
7 | CHG, Trial, OTC. Results, report. |
8 | Board Meeting |
14 | West Glos, Stony Green Trial, OTC, Results and report |
20 | G&C, Trial, Open. CANCELLED |
21 | Wye Valley, Classic Trial, Open. CANCELLED. |
28 | Wye Valley, Trevor Hunt Trophy Trial - Road Trial. Provisional Results, a rider's view Ledbury, Leader, GT |
October | top |
5 | West Glos, Moto Britanica/Sidecargate LDT Trial, Open - Results, report Malvern, Trial, Restricted, Centre Championship Results |
12 | Wye Valley, Percy Chadney Trial, Open Centre Championship Results |
13 | Board Meeting |
19 | Mercian, Club, H&H, More details at |
26 | Wye Valley, Classic Trial, Open - CANCELLED. SVMC, Jack Woolridge Trial, Centre Championship - Results, Report . |
November | top |
2 | Zona One, Andy Bubb Trial, OTC - Results, Photos on PhotoBucket |
10 | Board Meeting |
16 | SVMC, Sapperton Trial, Centre Championship - CANCELLED Ledbury - Les Burry, Classic Trial. |
23 | G&C, Matthew Trial, OTC, Centre Championship. Results, Report |
December | top |
2 | Centre Trials Committee Meeting. Details. |
7 | CHG, John Draper Memorial Trial, Open, Results and more |
8 | Board Meeting |
9 | Clerk of Course Seminar, Trials and Enduro. |
14 | SVMC, Southern Experts Trial, Results, reports, pictures and more |
26 | West Glos, Boxing Day Trial, OTC Results, Reports, pictures, and video |
28 | Zona One, Trial, CTC - CANCELLED |
January | |
12 | AGM, Board Meeting |